Dena Smith             interdisciplinary designer based in Vancouver, BC

Creepie (deriving from the old scot's word “creep”, meaning to crawl, or to stoop low) was designed as part of a small collection of furniture that reflected on the ideas and narratives that objects can hold. The stools reference Scottish farm stools of the same name. More than just a place to sit, these commonplace stools supported the rural and regional lifestyle of farm life, their histories and narratives remain and when placed in personal context they can remind us of the significance of objects made by hand and small-scale regional systems. This work was both a creative and philosophical investigation into where craft and industrial design meet in today's production of objects.

So far there are two versions of this stool, one of pine stained with India ink and the other of ash. The pine stool is finished with a kapok filled pillow made of a few scraps of vintage fabric and the ash stool is finished with finger holes punched through the seat as the traditional stools often had.

Pine, ash, vintage textile, India ink

︎︎︎Design sketching and ideation
︎︎︎Material sourcing

Made with Sam McInnis under the moniker Opened Window.